Accreditation - COE:

COE Handbook

Saline County Career Center is proud to be accredited by Council on Occupation Education (COE) since 2016. If you have any questions concerning the accreditation of our post-secondary programs please contact our office at 660-886-6958. Ms. Walker or Mr. Wilcoxson would be happy to address your questions or concerns.

If your inquiry is not satisfactorily met within our office, please contact the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education by writing (please be sure to include your name and mailing address) or email to:

Public Announcement 9/7/21

Saline County Career Center, 900 W. Vest, Marshall, MO 65340, is applying for reaffirmation of accreditation with the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education. Persons wishing to make comments should write to the Executive Director of the Commission, Council on Occupational Education, 7840 Roswell Road, Bldg. 300, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30350. Persons making comments must provide their names and mailing addresses.