Marshall Public Schools is committed to providing an outstanding education for all its students. The purpose of the curriculum process is to build capacity to improve student performance as defined by district Goal 1: Marshall Public Schools will provide and maintain a safe and supportive environment that contributes to the academic success, confidence, and well-being of all students.
We continue to change teaching and learning with the guidance of our Strategic Plan and a strong sense of the changing needs of our students. The curriculum is aligned to the Missouri Show-Me Standards, Missouri Learning Standards (MLS), and the district’s local performance standards. Common assessments are given at all grade levels to ensure continuity of learning and overall mastery of objectives. Curriculum is reviewed, revised, and updated annually.
Below are several links to additional, more specific information for parents, students, and teachers. Please feel free to reach out to our building principals if you have questions about specific courses and programming in a school building.
Laura Jacobi
Director of Teaching and Learning