The third quarter nominations for Outstanding Owl closes this evening! Please use the link below to complete an Outstanding Owl Compliment form to celebrate one of our staff members.
3 days ago, Daniel Wright
***MHS ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT*** Our first Alumni Spotlight is Brett Clause, current Marshall High School librarian, who is a 2010 graduate of MHS.  His favorite memories from his time at MHS were working at Dairy Queen and hanging out with his friends on the weekends.  Working at Dairy Queen in high school allowed him to “ talk and hang out with kids I would have never interacted with if we hadn’t been coworkers.” When in school, his favorite teachers were Mr. Brennen, who taught history, and Mr. Fawkes, who taught video production, “they were very knowledgeable in their subjects, entertaining, and incorporated a lot of humor into their lessons.” He was inspired by his fellow peers who seemed to excel in school, sports, or socializing because he, “ felt awkward while I was in school, so I admired those who appeared confident and popular.” At MHS, Clause planned on becoming a teacher and was president of the Future Teachers of America; he felt that his teachers prepared him well for his future, even if he didn’t take it as seriously as he should have. Besides the MHS alums he works with, Clause shared that he only regularly talks to 3-5 people from high school. He would tell the current students, “I spent a lot of time worrying about and valuing people's opinions that I shouldn’t have. I would advise students to stand up for themselves and not feel like their interests, personality, or goals are weird. Prioritize exploring the world and finding ideas and groups of people who value the same things as you. Life becomes much more worthwhile when you are true to yourself, even when it may feel impossible.”
7 days ago, Daniel Wright
clause spotlight
No school on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Stay warm Owls!
11 days ago, Daniel Wright
no school
The MHS News Media Class is excited to introduce the MHS Alumni Spotlight. Alumni can fill out the Google Form on the Marshall Public Schools website for a chance to be featured. We anticipate a larger response, so please be patient. We will endeavor to cover all responses in the order received. Responses may be edited for content and length. Inappropriate, demeaning, or hateful comments and responses will not be considered for publication.
about 1 month ago, Daniel Wright
Due to still dangerous conditions, low temperatures, slippery parking lots, having to haul snow that has nowhere else to go, too cold for salt to be effective, Benton is too cold, and gravel roads are still too dangerous. There will be no classes for students this Friday, January 10. Tomorrow’s district professional development day will be rescheduled for Friday at their respective school buildings.” Debido a: condiciones aún peligrosas, temperaturas peligrosas, estacionamientos resbaladizos, tener que transportar nieve que no tiene otro lugar adonde ir, demasiado frío para que la sal sea efectiva, Benton es demasiado frío y los caminos de grava siguen siendo demasiado peligrosos. No habrá clases para los estudiantes este viernes 10 de enero. El día de desarrollo profesional del distrito de mañana (PDD) se reprogramará para el viernes en sus edificios escolares respectivos.”
about 2 months ago, Daniel Wright
no school
***AMI Day 1 & 2*** Wednesday, January 8th and Thursday, January 9th there will be no school for students in Marshall. These two days will be AMI day 1 and 2. Temperatures alone are enough for concern and clean up is very slow with these temperatures and lack of thawing. Stay safe and warm Owls!
about 2 months ago, Daniel Wright
ami days
Upcoming Community Forums
about 2 months ago, Daniel Wright
The second quarter nominations for Outstanding Owl will close on Friday! Please use the link below to complete an Outstanding Owl Compliment form for one of our staff members.
3 months ago, Daniel Wright
Please read the following message from the Marshall Public School Foundation.
3 months ago, Daniel Wright
Come out to support our MPS musicians! We have several winter concerts in December. Concerts start at 7:00 pm; unless noted.
3 months ago, Daniel Wright
MARSHALL PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ TRANSPORTATION DEPT. NOW HIRING: BUS DRIVERS AND MONITORS All Bus driver applicants must be at least 21 years of age to qualify for the opportunity to become a trained bus driver. $26 per hour Paid on the job training Minimum of 3 hours a day for part time driving Additional $15 an hour for extra duty work To apply go to website or contact: Denise Reno Marshall Public Schools Human Resources Manager/Deputy Board Secretary/Title IX Compliance Personnel Butterfield Campus 1126 E. HWY WW Marshall, MO 65340 Phone: (660)886-7414 ext. 10132
3 months ago, Daniel Wright
AHORA CONTRATANDO DEPARTAMENTO DE TRANSPORTE DE LAS ESCUELAS PÚBLICAS DE MARSHALL CONDUCTORES DE AUTOBÚS Y MONITORES Todos los solicitantes de conductores de autobús deben tener al menos 21 años de edad para calificar para la oportunidad de convertirse en conductores de autobús capacitados. $26 por hora - Entrenamiento pagado en el trabajo - Mínimo de 3 horas al día para conducir a tiempo parcial – $15 adicionales por hora para viajes de actividades para la escuela una vez entrenado Para aplicar Denise Reno Escuelas Públicas de Marshall Gerente de Recursos Humanos/Secretario Adjunto de la Junta/Personal de Cumplimiento del Título IX Campus de Butterfield 1126 E. HWY WW Marshall, MO 65340 Teléfono: (660)886-7414 ext. 10132
3 months ago, Daniel Wright
The second quarter nominations for Outstanding Owl are open now! The link will close on December 20th. Please use the link below to complete an Outstanding Owl Compliment form for one of our staff members.
4 months ago, Daniel Wright
SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION The Marshall Public School District encourages qualified persons interested in running for a position on the school board to file to be a candidate in the April 8, 2025 election at 1126 E Highway WW, Marshall, Mo. There are two, three-year term positions available. Filing will begin on December 10, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. and will end on December 31 at 5:00 p.m. Filing will continue during the district’s regular business hours, which are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Filing will not occur on the following holidays when the school district’s Central Office is closed: 12:30 p.m. December 20, 2024 through December 30, 2024. The last day to file is December 31, 2024. The office will be open on December 31 from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Except for the first and last day of filing, filing will not occur on days that the school district’s Central Office is closed due to inclement weather or other health-related reasons. If weather conditions make it unsafe for staff to travel the district will not open, even on the first and the last day of filing. Mona Mikels Board of Education Secretary
4 months ago, Daniel Wright
The Marshall High School Theatre Department is proud to announce that their fall musical is Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella (Enchanted Edition) by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. Performance dates will be November 13, 14, and 15 in the MHS Little Theatre at 7:00 p.m. The doors will be open at 6pm for general seating and tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students. Wednesday is student night with tickets only being $1.
4 months ago, Daniel Wright
The Outstanding Owl program allows anyone to recognize any Marshall Public School employee who exceeds expectations. Whether you're a parent who appreciates the unique touch a teacher adds to a lesson, someone who believes a staff member deserves more recognition for their excellent work, or a community member who observes a staff member's dedication to students—anyone can send an Outstanding Owl Compliment! Below are the first-quarter recipients of the Outstanding Owl Award. Thank you to everyone who submitted recommendations and for taking the time to acknowledge excellence! Second-quarter nominations open up on November 15th. (4/4)
4 months ago, Daniel Wright
The Outstanding Owl program allows anyone to recognize any Marshall Public School employee who exceeds expectations. Whether you're a parent who appreciates the unique touch a teacher adds to a lesson, someone who believes a staff member deserves more recognition for their excellent work, or a community member who observes a staff member's dedication to students—anyone can send an Outstanding Owl Compliment! Below are the first-quarter recipients of the Outstanding Owl Award. Thank you to everyone who submitted recommendations and for taking the time to acknowledge excellence! Second-quarter nominations open up on November 15th. (3/4)
4 months ago, Daniel Wright
The Outstanding Owl program allows anyone to recognize any Marshall Public School employee who exceeds expectations. Whether you're a parent who appreciates the unique touch a teacher adds to a lesson, someone who believes a staff member deserves more recognition for their excellent work, or a community member who observes a staff member's dedication to students—anyone can send an Outstanding Owl Compliment! Below are the first-quarter recipients of the Outstanding Owl Award. Thank you to everyone who submitted recommendations and for taking the time to acknowledge excellence! Second-quarter nominations open up on November 15th. (2/4)
4 months ago, Daniel Wright
The Outstanding Owl program allows anyone to recognize any Marshall Public School employee who exceeds expectations. Whether you're a parent who appreciates the unique touch a teacher adds to a lesson, someone who believes a staff member deserves more recognition for their excellent work, or a community member who observes a staff member's dedication to students—anyone can send an Outstanding Owl Compliment! Below are the first-quarter recipients of the Outstanding Owl Award. Thank you to everyone who submitted recommendations and for taking the time to acknowledge excellence! Second-quarter nominations open up on November 15th. (1/4)
4 months ago, Daniel Wright
The Bueker Middle School and Marshall High School Orchestras will hold their annual Fall Concert on Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00 pm in the Harold Lickey Auditorium at Bueker Middle School. This concert will feature the 7th Grade Orchestra, 8th Grade Orchestra, and MHS Orchestra. The groups will perform selections depicting Zombies, Creatures, Skeletons, Beetlejuice, Dragons, Darkness, Shadows, and others! This will be a really fun concert, please come enjoy some spooky music to get you in the Halloween mood, and support these hard-working musicians as they display their talents! The concert is free and open to the public. Prior to the concert, the Marshall Orchestra and Band Boosters will host a pulled pork dinner in the BMS Cafeteria from 5:00 to 6:30. The Brick BBQ is catering this meal, tickets are $10 each for pulled pork, sides, dessert, and drink. Funds raised will go to the MOBB to help fund the Senior Scholarship program. Please see any orchestra student in Grades 7-12 or email for tickets. Please purchase tickets by Friday, October 25th, as we will have limited extra food for walk-ins.
5 months ago, Daniel Wright