This group of 1st graders won prizes for being the top reading group for 1st Quarter. (1 student was absent). Compliments of Community Bank.
Top readers from each class for the month of October!
Congratulations to our new 2nd Grade Leaders!
Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 1st school is dismissed at 12:30 .
Just a friendly reminder that October Home Reading Logs are due tomorrow! Thanks!
Friday is "Give Drugs the Boot Day!" Wear your cowboy and cowgirl gear!
Thursday is "Don't get Mixed Up in Drugs Day!"
Wear crazy mis-matched clothes.
Wednesday is "Join the Fight Against Drugs Day!" Dress in camo!
Second Grader's need your empty Pringles cans for an upcoming project. Feel free to send them in and give to a second grade teacher.
Tuesday is Team Up Against Drugs Day. Wear your favorite team wear!
Monday, be RED'y to be drug free! Wear Red day!
Our new 2nd Grade Leaders!
MHS Marching Band stopped by Benton this morning! What a fun way to start the day!!!
Dental Varnish Day at Benton!
Second Grade Families, don't forget that tomorrow is "Dress as your Career Day". Dress up as what you want to be when you grow up!
McTeacher's Night is tonight at McDonalds! Benton teacher's will be there from 6:30-7:15! We hope to see you there!
Today we had two visitors for 2nd Grade Career Week, Brad Guthrey, a crop insurance claims supervisor, & Luke Vance a police officer for the city of Marshall.
Mrs.Ming reminds us to be a bucket filler, not a bucket dipper!
Top Readers for September!