March 19, 2020
BMS Parent Memo
THIS IS ONLY AN OPPORTUNITY IF YOU REALLY NEED TO PICK UP PERSONAL ITEMS, AS YOU DO NOT HAVE TO COME TO THE SCHOOL TO PICK UP ANYTHING. Listed below are dates and times available to pick up medicine and any personal items your student might need. Upon arrival to school, this needs to be a QUICK pick-up and go. AGAIN, ONLY IF IT IS NECESSARY, AS WE WANT TO KEEP THE CROWD AT A MINIMUM.
*All students and parents should enter the middle front door and report to the office to be directed.
*Please, DO NOT come to the building if you are not feeling well or have not felt well in the last several days.
*If you have multiple students, in multiple grade levels, please choose either time(s) and we will arrange for you to get all needed items.
Student/Staff Medicine Pick-Up- Report to the office during these times and you will be directed.
Friday, March 20th (8-3)
Personal Item Pick-Up- ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED!
Students may report to the school, by grade level, to pick up personal items as follows:
- 7th Grade, Monday, March 23rd, 8-11am
- 8th Grade, Monday, March 23rd, 12-3pm
- 5th Grade, Tuesday, March 24th, 8-11am
- 6th Grade, Tuesday, March 24th, 12-3pm
Learning Opportunities
There will be various learning opportunities available to your student while we are not in session. Please check the BMS website, school email, and school Instagram Account to stay updated. Teachers will be creating lessons and posting those at various times until further notice.
We miss our students!
Mr. Tobin & Mrs. Brown