Five Saline County Career Center DECA members attended a DECA conference, called "The Sports and Entertainment Marketing Conference" from January 31 to February 4 for the first time. The students are in an advanced marketing class and raised their own funds in order to go on the trip. During the workshop, students attended several workshops where they heard from industry leaders including executives in the sporting and entertainment industry. Each workshop enabled students to learn different aspects of marketing. For example, students received a lecture from a representative from Universal Studios, Senior Manager of Brand & Marketing Strategists, Lauren Hoffman, who spoke about the importance of networking. Those who attended were able to experience one of the nation’s most popular entertainment venues and benefit from several educational activity resources provided while attending the workshop. Students who went on the trip include Ethan Russell, Jackson Russell, Avery Evans and Bailey Kueker, along with Saline County Career Center DECA Advisor Kerry Henley. Holly Huston attended the conference as Central Regional Vice President and provided several introductions of each guest speaker as part of her CRVP duties this year.
Advanced Marketing students attend SEM Conference
February 5, 2024