On Tuesday morning, January 26, Marshall Mayor Dewey Hendrix made a proclamation deeming February 1-28, 2023 as Career and Technical Education month. Students enrolled in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses gain pathway-specific technical and academic skills, while acquiring employability skills, which allow for success in the workplace or future education. Saline County Career Center offers students course work, focused in 9 secondary CTE program areas, as well as one post-secondary area. These areas include the following:
Secondary: Agriculture Education, Automotive Technology, Building Trades, Business
Education, Culinary Arts, Information Technology, Health Sciences, Marketing, and
Teaching Professions. Post-Secondary: Practical Nursing
In addition, students at SCCC attend from 4 area schools including Marshall, Malta Bend, Slater and Sweet Springs.
Brian Wilcoxson, SCCC Director notes, “Our students apply academic lessons to real-life situations during their classes at SCCC and our teachers are involved in every aspect of their learning.”
SCCC students are also involved in Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSO’s) which
support the learning at SCCC. CTSO’s give students the opportunity to extend their learning and compete virtually or in person while also meeting peers and networking. The CTSO’s offered at SCCC include DECA, EdRising, FBLA, FFA, HOSA, and SkillsUSA.
For more information about the Saline County Career Center, please contact Mr. Brian Wilcoxson, SCCC Director at 660.886.6958.

Pictured left to right: Izabella Chevalier-Teaching Professions/EdRising; Trevan Jolliff-Building Trades/SkillsUSA; Bailey Kueker-Marketing/DECA; Mayor Dewey Hendrix; Gentrie Davis-Ag. Education/FFA; Holly Huston-Business Education/FBLA; Shylynn Tennill-SCCC Student Ambassador; Kaliyah Maupin-Health Science/HOSA.