At the 75th Missouri DECA State Career Development Conference, three students qualified to present their projects and one will represent the chapter as a leadership delegate at the next level for DECA's International Career Development Conference, April 21-26, in Orlando, Florida.
At the State conference, several students presented projects they began working on at the beginning of the school year and were evaluated by a judging panel consisting of more than 100 business and industry professionals. The team of Holly Huston and Bailey Kueker earned 1st place, with their Business Solutions event called “Fairy Prom Mothers”. Jaedyn Borja placed 5th with her Innovation Plan project, "Cats, Cake, and Coffee.” Gentrie Davis placed in the top ten for her Independent Business Project, "GMae’s Milling and Baking." Avery Evans placed first as a leadership delegate at districts and automatically attends ICDC. Kaylen Alvarez and Michelle Lin competed in the Integrated Marketing Event, “Cereal Domino Run.” Lexi Hoffman competed in the sports marketing individual role-play. This year Avery Evans, Jaedyn Borja, Holly Huston and Bailey Kueker will represent the SCCC chapter at ICDC with their events in April.
The SCCC chapter was recognized this year for obtaining Thrive status for their work in community service, promotion, ethical leadership and member campaigns. SCCC DECA was recently recognized for completing the February Advocacy campaign and will receive a special plaque by National DECA as well, This year the SCCC DECA chapter earned five chapter campaigns and is the only chapter in Missouri to have completed all five.
During DECA state conference, two SCCC DECA chapter members ran as candidates for DECA state officers. The announcement was made prior to the awards ceremony Monday night that Holly Huston will represent Missouri DECA next year as the President and Bailey Kueker will represent Missouri DECA as VP of Membership. This is a great honor bestowed on these young leaders. This is the second year in a row they have earned state officer positions.