The Marsaline
United States legislators are considering switching permanently to daylight saving time, which means it would stay lighter later in the day. While the US Senate has already approved the measure, it is being debated in the House of Representatives.
Juniors Matthew Robbins and Garrett Bristow like the sound of this idea.
“I would like that because then I would have more time to do stuff in the afternoon before it gets dark,” Bristow said.
“I think that would be a great idea,” Robbins said.
Sophomore Nick Arnold agrees.
“I think everyone would be okay with that, including me,” Arnold said.
Junior Carter Brooks also is fond of this idea.
“I would definitely like this because during deer season I would get a couple more hours after school to hunt,” Brooks said.
Bristow said he would utilize the extra light outside.
“You can just do way more stuff when it’s light out; when it’s dark out you are limited to your choices. For me, I prefer it to be light out,” Bristow said.
Arnold said he thinks other people could take advantage of the time.
“People who do not get to go out much could go out more in the winter because it would be lighter for longer,” Arnold said.
CSI teacher Lauren Quick said she would like more time in the afternoon.
“I would sleep with the extra time,” Quick said.
Junior Eli King thinks most people would enjoy the extra light.
“I think most people would prefer it because with more light there are more things you can do, unless you just really like it being dark,” King said.
Bristow said he thinks parents would like it more, as well.
“I feel like a parent of a young child would feel more comfortable letting their kid stay out later if it wasn’t dark,” Bristow said.
Brooks said he feels like everyone would be in favor of it.
“I think most people would like it because I think most people prefer light instead of dark,” Brooks said.
Arnold agrees.
“I think most people would prefer it because they would not have to worry about changing their clocks back and forth,” Arnold added.