Hello Marshall High School Families,
As we fast approach the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, there are a few things I want to make you aware of. There have been several policy changes along with some new academic opportunities for your student.
The following policies have changed:
Cell Phone Policy:
Cell phones/electronics must be turned off and put away into the class’ designated area upon entering any classroom throughout the school day. Cell phones/Electronics must not be heard nor seen during instructional time. If a cell phone is out or is heard (i.e. ring, alarm, vibration) during instructional time, the discipline policy is enforced. If a student leaves class to use the restroom, they will keep their phone in the classroom for the duration that they are out of class.
Late to School Policy:
In order for students to be successful, they must be to school on time each day. School starts at 7:55 am. Students are expected to be in their classrooms ready to start by 7:55 each day. When students arrive late to school the following policy will be followed:
Entry doors at the foyer, commons, and athletic hallways will be locked at 7:55 AM. Students who arrive after 7:55 AM are considered late to school and must enter the building through the assistant principal’s office. Students who are late to school must procure a pass from the assistant principal’s office that will serve as their admit slip to class.
- Anything after 3 late to schools will result in a full day of ARC and a parent conference
- Additional action could be taken based on the students’ attendance or any other action the administration deems necessary
E Hall Pass information.
MHS and SCCC will be utilizing an electronic pass system this year. Students will be briefed on the program during the first week of school. Information about the system can be found here.
Dress Code
The dress code remains the same as the previous school year.
Student dress and grooming will primarily be the responsibility of the individual and parents/guardians, within the following guidelines:
New Academic opportunities:
- Dress and grooming will be clean and in keeping with health, sanitary and safety requirements.
- All students must wear footwear.
- Class activities that present a concern for student safety may require the student to adjust hair and/or clothing during the class period, in the interest of maintaining safety standards.
- Clothing needs to appropriately cover the body and undergarments. (No spaghetti straps)
- Hats must be worn facing forward in all areas of the building
- Clothing that contains pictures, words, or symbols that are vulgar, sexually suggestive, discriminatory in nature, promote violence, promote drugs, promote alcohol, or promote other illegal activities are not allowed.
- Footie pajamas or onesie pajamas are not allowed.
- Gang Related attire is not allowed. (Because gang related attire is constantly changing, the administration will determine whether attire is a safety issue or inappropriate.)
This year we have been able to add several new classes as well as bring back some student favorites. MHS will be offering a sport marketing course, a real-world work experience course, and we are pleased to announce we will again have Woods 1, Woods 2, and Robotics. Your student will be receiving an email through their school account about these new courses. If your student wishes to enroll, they must fill out the form through their school google account.
All classes this year will be offered in person and instruction will be delivered via a classroom teacher. Online platforms will only be used for credit recovery.
Schedule Change Requests:
To change a course other than the newly added courses above, the change must meet one of the following requirements:
I look forward to seeing you at the MHS Open House, Thursday, Aug 18 from 5-7pm.
- The need for the school to balance class size.
- Errors made by the school in developing the schedule.
- Medical reason with documentation.
- Placement by the school for students with academic difficulties.
- Request to add a course required for post-secondary admissions (with documentation required from the college).
- Adding a required course in lieu of an elective class.
- Administrator approval of student enrollment in a higher-level course.
- Failure of a course required for graduation.
- Failure of a prerequisite, i.e., anything that would prevent a student from going on to a requisite course as published in the Course Guide.