PDC Minutes January 3, 2022
3:15 @ Central Office
*Please bring an electronic device*
Call to Order: Time Members in Attendance: Kelly Dobbins, Bekki Fann, Haley Garst, Angela Gochenour, Will Grace, Gage Lemmon, Audrey Ming, Rena Reyes, Heather Sappington, Jeana Wise, Daniel Wright
Approval of Minutes from December:
Approval motioned by Angela Gocenour and seconded by Heather Sappington.
Reports of Officers
Admin Representative: PDC officer elections are approaching.
Old Business:
January 3 PD Quick Feedback
Evaluation- Was sent out today to all of the buildings. If it did not come to your building, please let Jeana
Due Jan. 6
Results- Final results will be reviewed again in Feb
Catering $990- for the yogurt parfaits, breakfast pizzas, water, coffee through OPAA
Lots of great feedback from the PDC committee members
January 30 PD- Module Training that has been going on, 1-3 in the HS commons Dyslexia Training for the Secondary teachers
Laura will have a sign in sheet for this day
Community Project Update
Laura dropped the stuff off with Lindsey, the packets were not sent. The class will be getting a packet ready for Spring break instead.
Governance Plan Checklist for Reimbursement- Building leaders will be meeting for plans. Do we want to add a spot on our request form for our Governance Plan?
Learning Forward Conference - if you are interested in attending, complete the form below before next meeting
New Business:
Building Level PD update the sheet
ML Meeting Update
Dyslexia Training
AirBnB-Laura will talk to Linda about the process and let us know.
March PDC Meeting Date Change–VOTED
Bekki made a motion to change the meeting from March 7 to March 9th. Lorena seconded the motion.
Process Requests: Budget
SPS- $246
Benton - $0 Southeast-$0 Eastwood-$0 Northwest-$0 BMS- $0 MHS- $498
SCCC- $0 Instructional Coaches-$0
Daniel made a motion to approve the requests. Heather seconded the motion.
Next Meeting: Feb. 7
Paperwork due on or before: January 27, 2023
Kelly made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:05. Heather seconded the motion.
ML Committee Meeting:
Following regular PDC meeting--unless otherwise noted at the beginning of the meeting. Minutes will be shared at next PDC meeting