PDC Minutes January 3, 2022

3:15 @ Central Office 

*Please bring an electronic device*

Call to Order: Time   Members in Attendance: Kelly Dobbins, Bekki Fann, Haley Garst, Angela Gochenour, Will Grace, Gage Lemmon, Audrey Ming, Rena Reyes, Heather Sappington, Jeana Wise, Daniel Wright

Approval of Minutes from December

Approval motioned by Angela Gocenour and seconded by Heather Sappington. 

Reports of Officers


Admin Representative:  PDC officer elections are approaching. 

Old Business:

  • January 3 PD Quick Feedback

    • Evaluation- Was sent out today to all of the buildings. If it did not come to your building, please let Jeana

      • Due Jan. 6

      • Results- Final results will be reviewed again in Feb

    • Catering $990- for the yogurt parfaits, breakfast pizzas, water, coffee through OPAA

      • Lots of great feedback from the PDC committee members

  • January 30 PD- Module Training that has been going on, 1-3 in the HS commons Dyslexia Training for the Secondary teachers

    • Laura will have a sign in sheet for this day

    • Snacks

Community Project Update

    • Laura dropped the stuff off with Lindsey, the packets were not sent. The class will be getting a packet ready for Spring break instead. 

  • Governance Plan Checklist for Reimbursement- Building leaders will be meeting for plans. Do we want to add a spot on our request form for our Governance Plan? 

  • Learning Forward Conference - if you are interested in attending, complete the form below before next meeting

New Business:

  • Building Level PD update the sheet

  • ML Meeting Update

  • Dyslexia Training

  • AirBnB-Laura will talk to Linda about the process and let us know. 

  • March PDC Meeting Date Change–VOTED

    • Bekki made a motion to change the meeting from March 7 to March 9th. Lorena seconded the motion. 

Process Requests: Budget 

SPS- $246

Benton - $0 Southeast-$0 Eastwood-$0 Northwest-$0 BMS- $0 MHS- $498

SCCC- $0 Instructional Coaches-$0

Daniel made a motion to approve the requests. Heather seconded the motion. 

Next Meeting:  Feb. 7

Paperwork due on or before: January 27, 2023

Kelly made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:05. Heather seconded the motion. 

ML Committee Meeting: 

  • Following regular PDC meeting--unless otherwise noted at the beginning of the meeting.  Minutes will be shared at next PDC meeting